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30DayAnimator — Jump-Start Your Animation in 30 Days

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30DayAnimator — Jump-Start Your Animation in 30 Days

6 ratings

The 30DayAnimator — Jump-Start Your Animation Journey!

  • Have you always dreamed of becoming an animator?
  • Do you feel overwhelmed by the abundance of online resources and don't know where to start?
  • Do you feel like you are not improving or you don't have enough skill or talent to become a great animator?

This tried and true solution will transform your learning journey!

The 30DayAnimator prioritizes simple exercises to improve FAST!

Based on the most effective learning models it is the best way to achieve your goal of becoming a better animator.

You will get an animation exercise delivered daily to your inbox to train one aspect of animation.

Each exercise is designed to be completed in under 1 hour. The short exercises will help you stay motivated and on track to build a habit of improving your animation skill.

By the end of the month, you'll feel accomplished and challenged, having experimented, played, and discovered the joy of animation with other animators in the community.

By the end of this course you will have:

  • 🌠 Learned the fundamentals of animation
  • 📈 Built a habit of constant improvement
  • ⬆️ Leveled up your animation skills
  • 💪 Feel more confident in completing animations
  • 🤩 Explored a variety of animation techniques

What other students are saying about the 30DayAnimator!

What do you get?

You will get 31 emails — 1 getting started + 30 exercises!

You will learn:

  • 🔤 Animation Principles
  • ⚡ Effects Animation
  • 🏃‍♂️ Character Actions & Acting

Examples of the exercises from the #30DayAnimator! Many more can be seen on Twitter

The daily exercises will be described step-by-step to make them easy to follow. You will have an example animation and a breakdown of the key poses or the underlying idea. Each exercise practices specific animation principles or common things that animators need to do.

Some of them will be more challenging than others. Animation is a very personal thing, and many people enjoy different parts of it. Try to have fun and finish them within 60min!

For most exercises, there will be more challenging variations for seasoned animators. To make it easier when drawing people, you can always start with stick figures. No shame in that, I do it, too :)

Who is this for?

This course is designed for everyone interested in animation as a career or a hobby, whether you’re new to animation, a beginner, or an intermediate looking to brush up on the basics and elevate your skills. The 30DayAnimator allows you to dip your toes into animation and help you discover the joy of animation without spending a fortune on animation school.

30DayAnimator Community

Included in 🟢 Community Edition and 🟣 Full Experience

To help you improve even faster I have created the 30DayAnimator Community. You'll be able to engage with other animators on the same path, receiving tips and valuable feedback to elevate your work.

Having like-minded people alongside you will help you stay motivated throughout the journey.

Expert Feedback

Included in 🟣 Full Experience

The full experience includes personalized feedback by a professional animator (me) on EVERY exercise you submit. I will give you positive and constructive feedback to help you improve and guide you in the right direction to get better at the craft.

Often there is no right or wrong when it comes to animation, but everything you animate will feel a certain way. Things can feel fluid, natural, fast, slow, bouncy, real, robotic and more.

About the Instructor

I dreamed of learning animation since I was a teenager. For the longest time, I did not pursue animation. I was overwhelmed by not knowing where to start. I felt I was not good enough at drawing. After doing random exercises sporadically and doing many unfinished animations I stopped animating for the longest time.

When I challenged myself to create an animation habit in my late twenties, by doing small and short exercises repeatedly, I finally made significant progress and discovered that I could imagine a career in animation.

I created this course as a valuable tool that would have accelerated my animation journey!

🙋‍♂️ FAQ — Frequently Asked Questions

What hardware do I need?

Either one of those:

  • iPhone / Smartphone
  • iPad / Tablet (+pen recommended) -> this one is the simplest way to start 👍
  • Mac / PC + drawing tablet

I want to keep the entry barrier as low as possible for this course. That’s why it’s possible to do the exercises even with a smartphone or a tablet.

But you can do it also on a Windows, Mac, or Linux machine with a drawing tablet! (You could just do it with a mouse, but I wouldn’t recommend that)

My recommended setup would be a tablet with a drawing pen. I’m a fan of the iPad Pro, but an Android Tablet will work just as well!

If you want an extra challenge, it is possible to do exercises in any other medium, like traditionally on paper, with stop motion, paper cut, in 3D, or even in VR. I won't cover any setup for this, so do this only if you are comfortable setting it all up yourself!

What software or app do I need?

First of all, if you already have a favorite animation app that you’re comfortable with then just use that one! You should be able to do all the animation exercises in any animation software (or medium) even on paper, in stop motion, or in 3D if you want an extra challenge.

If you are completely new to animation I will recommend you the following apps to start with:

On Tablet (iPad and Android):

  • RoughAnimator ($6) or
  • FlipAClip (free)

On Smartphone (iOS and Android):

  • FlipAClip (free)

On PC / Linux / Mac:

  • RoughAnimator (PC/Mac)
  • AnimationPaper (Linux)

I recommend these because they are simple to learn! Starting out with animation can be challenging enough, so it’s good to pick an app that is not over-complicated. You don’t need to learn professional-grade software to learn the basics.

Don’t worry everything you learn will transfer to new tools and mediums.

Why do I only get one exercise per day?

I know when you are excited to start out you might want to do as much as possible and all at once! I know that feeling and I have it, too. The excitement of starting something new is a strong motivation. Yet, the secret to long-term improvement and success is consistency. This strong motivation might leave you on some days, but having a small exercise that’s part of your daily routine can still be accomplished.

Doing one small step every day toward your goal will always outcompete a sprint that will burn you out after a couple of days.

The best thing that this course can do is start a long-term habit of improvement and learning in animation.

Getting all 30 exercises at once might also be overwhelming, and make people want to just skim through them, giving you a false sense of achievement. Like watching tutorials without actually doing them yourself.

This way you will have a call to action each day and a new and exciting exercise

Why should I complete each exercise in 1h or less?

There are 2 reasons:

Animation can be very time-consuming, and getting lost in animation to get it just right is not uncommon. Sometimes the inner perfectionist in us stops us from calling something complete and moving on. That endless tinkering is counter-productive to learning. It is better to finish something with mistakes. You can still improve it next time. Making mistakes is part of learning. “Better done than perfect!” — is a good motto to have if you struggle with perfectionism.

I want you to be able to do this course even if you only have a little time available to you. If you only have 30min, do that exercise in 30min. The quality is not important. It’s important that you do it and learn something. I will not judge the quality, and there is no rating or grading. To be honest I often learn the most from my roughest and loosest animations, because I’m less constrained by making them look pretty.

Why are the sales limited?

This is the first time the 30DayAnimator is taking place. In the first iteration, I want to collect feedback from all participants to further improve the quality of this course! But it also comes with a heavy discount for the earlybirds You are part of building this course, too and are therefore rewarded with this amazing discount. (And you will also be able to get the improved version down the line, too!)

The 🟣Full Experience sales will always be limited because giving feedback on each exercise takes time!

I can’t draw. Do I have to learn how to draw first?

No way! If you are able to draw a stick figure you are ready to make animations!

Don’t believe me? Here is JavaDoodles with over 1.2M subscribers on Youtube, basically just making animations with stick figures.

Sure, it helps to be able to draw well. But you don’t need to be good at it to make something move or tell a story.

Animation is one of the best ways to improve your drawing skills!

Nothing better than drawing something over and over again to get better at it.

I am completely new to animation, is this course for me?

YES, absolutely. This is a course that will allow you to dip into animation and walk your first steps without spending a fortune on an animation class.

I am already an animator, is this course for me?

YES, this is also aimed at beginner and intermediate animators with some experience!

Many of the exercises I share have also varying levels of difficulty. I am including variations for seasoned animators that will give you some more challenges.

This course allows you to revisit important exercises to brush up on the fundamentals of animation. The learning never stops as an animator. I don’t know how many times I have revisited many of the exercises I am sharing in this course.

Even while I was making this course, I am still learning new things.

Do I have to do all the exercises on time?

It is recommended to do all the exercises on time and try to complete one exercise each day. It helps you form a habit and stay on track. You are not obligated to do it this way, you can do everything on your own time. But try to challenge yourself to complete everything on time!

If you buy the 🟣Full Experience that includes feedback by a professional animator then it’s better to stick to the schedule as it will allow me to give feedback in a timely manner! If you are late with an exercise, don’t worry too much, you can still submit it later. As long as it is within the 30-day time frame +/-5 days there will be feedback guaranteed. If you submit it way later, I might be not available to give immediate feedback.

When does the course start?

The course starts when you buy it!

When you buy the course you will immediately get the Day 0 email that will help you to get started and set up everything so you are ready for the first animation exercise.

The following day (in exactly 24h) you will get the Day 1 exercise. And from then on you will get a new exercise every 24 hours until Day 30!

Per day you are getting 1 email with 1 exercise, so you don't get overwhelmed with all the content all at once.

What is the 30DayAnimator Community?

It’s a private Discord community that I created for alumni and participants of the 30DayAnimator course. To get access to the community you have to purchase the 🟢Community or 🟣Full Experience package of the 30DayAnimator.

The community is a place where you can see how other people are animating their exercises. You will be able to learn together and give each other encouragement and feedback.

How do I get feedback on my animations?

For feedback, you have to purchase the Full Experience version of the 30DayAnimator course.

To get the feedback you should upload your animation to the 30DayAnimator community discord in the correct channel for the exercise! I will give you feedback openly on the discord channel. This allows other people to also learn from your animation. You will also be able to see the animations of other animators and the corresponding feedback.

Alternatively, you can send the work to me privately by answering the email with the exercise and attaching your animation (as GIF or MP4).

I will give feedback within a week of each submission (usually within 24h)! Should this for some reason not have happened, write me a message on Discord.

Is this course right for me?

This course tries to motivate you to learn by DOING. Many courses are just videos that will teach you the basics in an entertaining way, but never ask much of you.

With the 30DayAnimator I want to provide motivation to get started and get things done consistently. Everything is focused on helping you complete the lessons, that’s why the lessons are daily and short!

The best experience is the Full Experience, which includes professional feedback and the community, adding more motivation to stick with it!

Having people by your side with the same goals and motivation helps to stay motivated. You can ask for tips and see how other animators completed their exercises.

Personalized feedback will ensure that you learn the right things and stay on track.

From my experience, the most effective way to learn is when you are applying the knowledge immediately.

Learning by doing

💸 40-Day Money Back Guarantee

If you decide this course is not for you, message me and request a refund!

Message me by replying to the purchase email or any other email.

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Things you'll learn

Animation Principles
Character Animation
Effects Animation
TOP SECRET Animation Hacks
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